Volunteers at SACSIS

Our volunteers are an important member of our staff and act as a representative of our organization to the community at large.

The volunteer team is growing fast and is composed mainly by international young researchers. Our actual collaborators:

  • Francisco Jose Ortega, Spain
  • Zeming Wang, USA
  • Victoria Valdivia, Spain
  • Francisco Fernandez Campos, Spain
  • Mark Karver, USA
  • Xiong Dingbang, Japan
  • Jesus Sanchez Ruiz, Spain
  • Irene Diaz, Spain
  • Jose Juan Reina, Italy
  • Ronald Dorembos, USA
  • Deepak Bhere, USA
  • Shalini Burra, USA
  • Olga Martinez Avila, Spain
  • Irina Nesterenko, USA
  • Cody Cameron, USA
  • Arkaitz Correa, Basque Country
  • Carlos del Fresno, Spain
  • Giacomo Nardi, Italy
  • Carlos T. Nieto, Spain
  • Muhammed Irfam, Pakistan
  • Syed Mohammed Nurulain, Egipt
  • Charles Ebikeme, UK
  • Amparo Ruiz Carretero, Spain
  • Shan Guobin, China

Do you want to collaborate with us?

You can now collaborate with SACSIS as volunteer in several tasks:

* Editorial assistant for The All Results Journals
* English proofreader
* Scientific Copyeditors
* Marketing (online and off-line)
* Scientific journalism
* Web development and design
* Scientific writer
* Reviewer of The All Results Journals
* Fundraising

SACSIS will provide the volunteer:

* The information, training, support and the material necessary to exercise the functions assigned to it.
* Active participation within the organization, design, evaluation and programming of the activities.
* Opportunities for professional development and social interaction with other volunteers.

For a better understanding of what you can expect as a volunteer and what is expected of you by our organization, please contact us with a brief note about your interests or write an email to:
